
Feb 26, 20212 min

Living Spring Bulb Wreaths anyone?

From 29th March we are so very happy to announce that we can start doing Workshops again - in a small scaled down way.

We're opening for just 4 guests per workshop (as Melinda and I make up the last 2 thus there's no more than 6 of us) until guidelines change, hopefully mid April. We'll have all the usual delicious cakes and refreshments for you, in our newly decorated marquee - which we'll keep open. We can't wait to see you and get creative together. Our first workshop is a new one, making Living Spring Bulb Wreaths, and we're so excited to share them with you.

I know people who have green fingers, do you? We have a good-sized garden and I’m afraid it never looks as good as it could. I blame the dogs entirely, but I have discovered that gardens almost look after themselves if you’re happy to go with the more ‘natural’ look. The benefit of getting outside is well documented, it’s just hard when it’s cold/wet/dark/windy/frosty/generally wintery. The last few days have been milder, and sunnier, which is so good for the soul, and much more conducive to getting outside.

I have made good use of our garden recently in discovering that many of our plants and shrubs can be used in making rather lovely wreaths, and with Spring just around the corner there's the opportunity to make something rather fabulous.

Who’d have thought that completely overgrown clematis could be wound into a circle, or the moss taking over my grass could surround bulbs, and the willow den planted years ago could yield copious amounts of willow sticks to make wreaths? It’s made me realise that there’s actually a lot right on our doorstep that we hardly see, because it’s right under our nose. Which reminds of a picture hanging in our stairwell… excuse the cobwebs it's honestly very difficult to dust up there, especially when you are outside foraging!
