Melinda Nicholds-Brown

Oct 23, 20212 min

Release that aggression in a crafty way!!

We have the lovely Julie Hicks joining us on Saturday 20th November at 2.30pm for another Punch Needle workshop. When people ask what punch needle is, I say its a sort of aggressive tapestry craft. You literally stab the wool through the fabric with the special needle.

Things I like about Punch Needle:

  1. Gets rid of any pent up aggression

  2. Its fast. You can complete the cool Frida Kahlo inspired picture (below) within 3 hrs and fit in time to sip a cuppa, scoff some cake and swig a few bubbles at the end

  3. You create different textures easily using different grades and types of wool as well as strips of fabric

  4. It‘s so cool and on trend right now

Fancy trying it? We have a few spots left on the 20th and a further date on 7th December which is a Tuesday.

Stags Head

Although it may sounds like a pub I am talking about willow weaving. From the very beginning of Larkswold, willow sculpture has been one of our most popular crafts. It’s a full day at the marquee and includes our fresh homemade cake as well as lunch to keep you going. This Christmas we have already 2 full sessions in the diary making these amazing stags heads and have just added two further dates:

3 places left on Sunday 21st November

6 places left on Thursday 25th November

More of a foodie? What about Christmas Chocolate Truffles which is also running on Sunday 21st November in the afternoon. Sally from the Chocolate Shed helps you to make a full box of chocolate truffles with a combination of dark, white and milk chocolate as well as plenty of flavour options such as rum, coffee and caramel.

In other news this week. Apparently the poop from ladybirds gives off a scent undetectable by humans but extremely strong and scary to dogs. I was just telling Emma this morning what a wimp Pip was. She had been sat on the sofa and jumped up yowling and stood by the door. I thought she had been bitten by something. When I looked at the sofa, there was simply a little lonesome ladybird. Emma then shared her new found knowledge (one of our customers shared this info) that possibly it was the scent rather than Pip being a big wimp?

On the duck front, Peking (the "I'm pretending to be a runner duck...but I don't really look like a runner duck") tried out swimming in the river. When I say that, I had my good friend Jess B in mind because the ducks seem to be very reticent to try the river out. I therefore opted for chucking Peking in (you know sink or swim style), but he decided after dipping one ducky foot in that he preferred flying and made his way back to the bank!

No - We have not got a cat (although I totally want one). No this little beauty is Atticus, my sister’s cat. She’s a city cat, but we‘re hoping to see her when my sister comes for holidays in the Cotswolds.

I think that's it for now.

Enjoy your weekend!


