Noni (pictured below) has been on at me to get in with the Muddy Stillettos crowd for ages. They promote cool things to do, see, visit etc around the area.
Anyway (trumpet fanfare please) we have been nominated by one of our lovely customers in the category 'Best new business started during Covid'. This is where you come in. I would very much like to win something. It has been a little while since I won the Award for Perseverance in 1982!!. For any girl who went to my school - Shake, Take, Curtsey was an important skill to master for prize giving.
If you have a few minutes to help us, here is the link to vote.
Yesterday I rustled up a little batch of Elderflower Cordial. Thanks to Angie Woodward our foraging Guru, I followed her recipe carefully and I am looking forward to offering the finished elixir at workshops this weekend.
Dress making
Emma took a whole day off last weekend and look what the clever lady created! Inspired by Christine @SewYeah she's been collecting men's shirts for a while and finally turned them into a dress. The pattern was an easy one from Etsy with an instant download and a YouTube tutorial to boot. Shame the weather has turned or I bet she'd be wearing it this weekend.
On the flock front...
Bertie and Beryl (our new rescue runner ducks saved last week) have settled into the flock wonderfully. Batman the drake seems to be using 'Sun-in' or perhaps it's the stress of new members of the flock that's sending his lovely petrol black head white! Thanos (the cream Legbar) has been broody this week. I don't know if I have the heart to explain that BBQ the cockerel walked out a few weeks ago, so I feel her sit in might be a little unproductive!
What's going on at Larkswold this weekend?
Silversmithing: A fully booked session of Silversmithing this Saturday afternoon should be fun with new cake options on the menu being trialed by Mrs was a good excuse to buy a new cake tin really.
Clare Walsh, Full Day Printing with Leaves: We are very excited to be running this session for the first time. Watch this space for the creations people achieve on our social media this week.
Dance Diverse tonight at Bourton Leisure Centre (7-7.45) then we're off for a Fish'n'Chip super with our good friends, the McNiffe family, whilst cheering on England, or perhaps Scotland?
Enjoy x
PS: The larkswold toilet block is nearly ready for operation!