Yep, its Fathers Day on Sunday: What? Of course you remembered! In case my father is reading this - the card went in the post on Monday (woohoo - first year it might actually arrive on Father's day)
Father's Day
How is Father's day celebrated around the world? While Mother's Day is celebrated on different dates in the United States and the United Kingdom, Father's Day always falls on the third Sunday in June in the U.K, Canada, and the U.S. We have been celebrating it since the middle ages as the feast day of Saint Joseph (Husband of Mary and stepfather of Jesus). So in honour of a little feasting, I thought I might share one of our favourite recipes served at Larkswold.
....and then I just lost 5 hours of my day setting up a members area to list all our recipes!!! Anyhoo, should you like to view the recipe, log in to our site (its free) and you will now be able to see our first recipe 'Chocolate Brownies'

Because my "I am so posh and French you must surely love my beautiful French styling" range cooker is a bit old and basically it doesnt really matter what temperature you set it to, it just heats to whatever it fancies that day, and because everything in our house is on a little slope towards the river the cooker also likes to cook everything slightly more on one side. All that aside, I can usually cook these brownies most days without burning the left side - accept that time that Prue Leith came and I burnt the whole lot.
Our Dads
So lucky for me and Emma our husbands get on well and can regularly be seen out promoting the Larkswold business by vsiting Caffeine and Machine near Stratford upon Avon or the know, those classic venues where the target market of crafting ladies likes to hang out! Moving on - they also, amongst other things, get used as guinneapigs to test out new workshops and both thoroughly enjoyed carving wooden spoons back in the early spring this year. They are both quite high on the tidy-perfectionist side and so their spoons did get a little extra Dremel action after the session.
Just 3 places left on Saturday 25th June if you still need to grab something to do with your old man... or simply want to get your Dad a nice gift for Father’s day.
Seeing as Phil has already been on the spoon carving workshop I think we might just have to stick to the tried and tested box of Ferero Roche.
Emma's Dad is sadly not with us anymore, but I do love this shot of him looking rather dapper with Emma on her wedding day.
And Happy Father’s day to my father John (he hates being called father....which of course is why I always call him that) pictured here relaxing in Lyme Regis with hubbie Phil and our son Edward .
Last Saturday I negotiated with Emma to run the candle workshop on her own whilst I dug a flipping big hole for the new duck pond. It’s going quite well and hoping to get a liner in next week and start creating a little rockery. Everything is starting to come into bloom and we have started turning our thoughts to which beautiful grasses we can pick for our summer dried wreaths.
Flock Update
Our good friend the rat man (real name Dan) popped over to reduce the occupancy enjoying the facilities at the bottom of the garden near the chicken coup. As a temporary measure I decided to create a little Coup hotel facility near the house whilst Dan was "looking after" the rat guest down the garden. Our friend made this wonderful cupboard for us a few years ago for the marquee and its now turned into a very stylish short term flock residency - Chickens have the pentsuite, ducks middle floor and drakes ground floor.
Enjoy your weekend!