You can't rely on the weather to help you work out the seasons these days, but as the children prepare to return to school/college/uni you can now get your lives back! That said - you might need to embrace the school run and shell out more of your hard earned cash on clubs; but at least the washing up will reduce!
I for one am already pleased to be harvesting my body wait in ornamental guords, re-equating myself with warm socks and apparently I need to embrace the Gilmore Girls?
We have run our last days at Birdland, Railway Station and Sudeley Castle for summer 2024. We have met loads of new peeps and look forward to seeing new faces trying out our studio now they know we exist.
So we now turn our attention to our corporate clients, booking team events and Christmas gatherings and growing our business. Emma and I have felt quite chuffed that we have started to go to more networking events where people actually know who we are.
We spent a few enjoyable hours at the North Cotswold Growth Hub networking event hosted by Stephen and listened to a very interesting talk by Sam from the Federation of Small Business. Who knew they were founded 50 years ago when they were called the KGB (can't remember why) but that 99.9% of businesses in the Cotswolds are micro, small or medium sized. We fall into the micro bracket with big dreams of being world dominating soon.
So I thought I would give you our top 5 business top tips
Tip #1 - Be serious about service
We take serving our guests very seriously. I mean we quite often get your name wrong, bring you the wrong cake (heck if we haven't totally forgotten it), and spill something on you. BUT we always have a bright smile for you and a warm welcome. In a world where so many people feel disconnected we like to make you feel like you have a friend at Larkswold.
Tip #2 - Be the brand
We popped in to check out Jeremy Clarkson's new pub, 'The Farmer’s Dog,' last night, and I was very impressed. Phil and I sported Larkswold-branded clothing. We quite often stand in a queue and get the person behind saying, ' Oh, I've heard of Larkswold - been meaning to go there for ages'. It didn't get us a free drink, but I live in hope.
Penny Lindner from Paper Art popped into the studio today to talk about an exciting new paper collage session. Whilst she was with us she mentionned how everyone is always telling her to go to Larkswold. As Emma and I bashfully batted away her compliments she followed it with "I actually thought you were much bigger" It’s not often I like to be thought about as bigger than I am, but on this occassion I take it as a compliment.
"Everyone is always saying to me that I must go to Larkswold. To be honest I thought your were much bigger than you are"
Tip #3 - Have a goal
I mean it doesn't need to be all official and written on fancy pants paper, but what I mean is know what you’re aiming at. It is a bit like when you first decided to have a baby and your suddenly noticed loads of pregnant people around you - or when you bought your new car and realised that loads of them already pass you on your commute every day. I like to have a goal so that I can share it with others who might be able to help - or know someone who might. Or that I don't focus on activities that don't support the master plan.
It’s Larkswold Networking next Thursday 5th September and we are working on vision boards for the year ahead. If you fancy coming along book in on the link below:
Tip #4 - Fail...and then try again
You have heard the old chestnut that if you have never failed then you have never really stretched yourself. Just learn how to be ok with failure - its going to happen a lot if you are going to create something new. We learn so much from just giving things ago. Its not a great feeling bombing out but it feels amazing when you get a win later down the track.
Tip #5 - Get the best accountant you can afford
You can easily be a busy fool - and we have spent many a month being poor ones too. Its only natural while you are growing. Maybe you love the numbers and doing the accounts, but if you don't - getting someone to help you stretch your resources, highlight dead money, unprofitable activities and areas to invest. I like to think of Hannah our accountant as keeping my shopaholic tendencies in check but also supporting those activities that cost, but can make the difference.
On other fronts Kanga is still being a piranha, the ducks are still ...being ducks and we have plenty of jobs that we have put off all summer and now need to pull our finger out and get sorted.
Enjoy your weekend!