Tired? Need a little me time? Let's talk about the best workshops for you!
I don't know why, but everyone seems a bit tired at the moment. Lots of bugs are making people feel under the weather, and enough rain to dampen anyone's spirits. God- those two sentences depressed me - I will hopefully turn things around...
And what better way than to talk about ducks? Emma has been very sniffy about me dressing them up in Halloween outfits to drive more traffic on our socials, so we opted for a little peas-a-la-pumpkin action. Well, actually peas a la gourd as that's all I had. The only reason I had peas to hand was because we had attempted to help them rise to the heights of stardom and get into the ‘Visit Britain’ drone footage by tempting them to come back out of the field and look cute in the garden... BUT NOoooooo they didn't want to play movie star ducks!
Kanga the dog

Whilst the ducks weren't playing ball I worried a little that I had Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP)! Kanga (our 17-week-old German Shorthaired Pointer) ate something or other which made her sick and lethargic for 24 hours. Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP)! is a mental illness where a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under their care. So I didn't make it up, and I am pretty sure I didnt cause it, but having enjoyed my snuggly non non-bitey puppy immensly the thought did cross my mind to see what else she might eat to stay in this lethargic state! Still, I don't think I could afford the vet fees so lucky for her, she is back to her usual piranha meets squirrel on meth behaviour!
Right then, so back to a little relaxation. As you know the whole point of coming to Larkswold is to relax and have an enjoyable time with us. Admittedly, silversmithing didn't get the memo, so that can be a little bashey and there is a little maths involved as well! I am pretty sure that Paper Collage is going to be a top hitter and wonderfully mindful, so I shall let you know how that goes after our first session next week - there’s 4 places if you’d like to join on Friday 25th October.
So here are my top 3 recommendations for mindfulness and 3hrs of me time:
#1 Scented candle making
I know - the classics always hit the spot. Wonderfully scented essential oils and hypnotic swirling wax combine to create 3hrs of total bliss. We have yet to have a guest not enjoy the process - I mean we have plenty who relax so much that they forget to add the essential oil blend they just created and quite a few more that forget what essential combinations they used by the time they get home! But this is totally outweighed by those who come back and say they still have their candles sat on the shelf in pride of place and can't bear to burn them. The top scent combinations I like at the moment are:
Lavender and lemongrass
Bergamot and rose
Sandalwood and sweet orange
#2 Block printing
If you haven't tried it yet what on earth have you been doing? Once you find the perfect colour combo, a little selection of blocks you can then switch off the outside world and immerse yourself in the joyful art of printing tote bags, tea-towels, aprons, table runners - the list goes on and on and we are happy to say that we put no limit on the number of items you can print. Emma and I are a little bit in awe (ok and a little jealous) of the beautiful floral apron one of our hen do guests created last weekend. It was totally stunning. We have forgiven her as she was the guest of honour but don’t let it happen again Laura!
#3 Wreath making
Dried or fresh foliage - it makes no difference, the simple rhythm of selecting your foliage, creating little bunches and stringing them together to create your unique wreath design never fails to bring a little ray of sunshine. I am particularly partial to the Christmas variety with fresh spruce and eucalyptus fragrances and the addition of mince pies and mulled wine.
For someone who could literally talk not just the hind leg off a donkey, but I could fuel a power station on mindless chatter, you may be surprised to hear that I really can’t talk when I craft (Thank goodness says Emma)! I just need to shut down and focus on the process. I think that’s why I find it so rejuvenating as it switches off all other ideas and streams of consciousness (and trust me I like to roll with quite a few on the go at all times), Emma on the other hand can craft with world war three going on and still hit a home run in stunning creations.
So there you have it - I appreciate I kicked things off on a bit of a bum note, but hopefully have talked ducks and my favourite workshops I am leaving you in a much happier place.
Enjoy your weekend!